A few years back, I wrote a piece about how I see the world - or rather, how I function and how I kept getting hurt because the world doesn't work that way. I thought I'd share it here.
On my planet, people say what they mean and mean what they say, they don't pretend to be someone they're not. When they promise you something, they stick to it, and when they say and do kind things, it's not because they want something from you. On my planet, people don't try and use you.
On my planet, when you're nice to people, they're nice back to you; they don't take advantage of your kindness and they don't walk all over you.
On my planet, it doesn't matter if you're black or white or blue, because everyone sees beauty in everyone else's difference. People accept one another as they are and rejoice at diversity.
On my planet, there are things that are actually more important than money and power. Serious meetings are cancelled when the sun is shining so everyone can go outside and enjoy it. Parents never prioritise their career over quality time with their kids, and business men sit down on the grass in their suit to share a chocolate ice cream with their daughters.
On my planet, it's OK to cry if you're sad, even in public; it's OK to dance, jump up and down, run, or laugh loudly if you're happy. It's OK to be happy-clappy or happy-flappy! It's OK to talk excitedly about the things that you're passionate about, as long as you also let others share their passion.
On my planet, when you notice something pretty or beautiful, like a flower, a shiny bug, a butterfly, an interestingly-shaped cloud or a rainbow, it's good manners to point it out to the people around you.
On my planet, when men smile at you a sweet smile and take you in their arms, it is because they love you very much; and when they make love to you, they give you their heart as well as their skin. When they look at you like you are the most amazing thing they've ever seen, it is because that's exactly how they feel... not just because they want to take advantage of your naivety.
Unfortunately, my ship crashed on earth.
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