Tuesday, 28 October 2014

I am a serial procrastinator.

I have been procrastinating all afternoon. End result: it's dinner time, and no blog post has been written.

I meant to write it, though. I really did. I spent about an hour yesterday, as I was getting the croissants baked and the bread on the shelves at work, writing a blog post in my mind about discrimination. It was very good, except, of course, I couldn't write it down at the time. I just thought I'd do that during my afternoon off today.

Only problem is, all of sudden other things came to my attention, like folding the laundry and putting more laundry up to dry, answering a few messages from friends, reading a few dozens articles about, in no particular order, immigration, the Walking Dead, homosexuality, different opinions on Halloween, and Pope Francis' views on evolution. I also felt the sudden urge to check whether anyone else on the Internet had noticed that little worrying thing in the new credits of The Walking Dead - turns out no one has, except my friend D. in America.

Why does this keep happening? I love writing. I love blogging. Whenever I'm out and about or at work, my mind is buzzing with ideas.

Then, when I turn the computer on, my mind somehow behaves like a squirrel on speed, jumping from one branch of information to the next, and not getting anything creative done. I can't even blame ADHD - I don't have ADHD.

So here is my poor excuse for an apology, dear readers. I shall write that blog about discrimination, I promise. Just not today.


  1. When life interferes with blogging, I say that's a good thing.

    1. (Mind you, I was already like that as a child. I could spend hours jumping from one dictionary/encyclopedia entry to the next)

  2. A lot of it wasn't life, but just my somehow random and scattered curiosity. ;)
